Thursday, March 12, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 17 Recap

It happened. I hit a slump today. I felt so unmotivated to workout. I kept putting it off and putting it off, until it was close to 4pm and I knew I had to get my workout in ASAP because we had to go to church at 7pm. I watched the clock and 4pm rolled around and rolled away. I finally worked out at 4:30pm and I was dreading it the entire time. In fact, I kept checking my phone and work to see if something had come in that needed my attention right away, but of course, nothing did, so at 4:34pm I turned on the DVD.

Today was leg day. You'd think I'd be happy about that, but these two-a-days are getting the best of me. I still felt worn from the cardio fix last night. I finally just decided to suck it up and do it. I slugged through the workout. I mean, honestly, my muscles felt so heavy. I wasn't even sure I was going to finish. It felt so hard working out at 4:30pm. I kept pushing though and it hurt more than usual. There is definitely a brain/body connection because I felt unmotivated and my muscles didn't want to work as hard as a result. The good news is though, that I got through the workout and not only did I get through it, I didn't use the modifier at all, even though I felt like being lazy.

These kind of days happen and I wanted to be real about it because it happens to all of us. We will all hit that wall of feeling unmotivated, but we have to push through it and we will see the results of our labor when we do. After I was done working out, I actually started to feel a lot better. My mood literally changed within 30 minutes of working out. I felt happier, more focused, and noticed a slight pep in my step. I felt so good that when we got home from church, I did my second workout for the day. It helped that it was only 10 minutes (10-Minute abs), but still, I did it and I felt motivated while doing it.

It's OK to feel unmotivated. It's OK when we have slump days. It's OK when we mess up a little on eating, but what's not OK is quitting. When slump days happen, we have to push through them, because the next day we probably won't feel that way. I don't want to be an "I wish" girl anymore, I want to be an "I will" girl and I want to stay that way.

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