Monday, March 9, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 13 and Day 14 - (Weekend Recap)

Day 13:  I went out of town this weekend. I was really worried about this because I wasn't sure how it would affect my workouts and eating. Today, Saturday, everything went well. I woke up and got in my Dirty 30 workout quickly. We went out to lunch and I thought I had ordered something healthy, but instead they brought me chicken salad. Grr... I decided to eat half of it and move on. I thought it was a grilled chicken sandwich, but it was a chicken salad sandwich instead. Apparently chicken topped with chutney means chicken salad, not grilled chicken. It was however, delicious, but not what I thought I ordered. I managed to stay on track for eating the rest of the day. I wasn't really hungry much at all today, so that helped balance out the chicken salad. For dinner tonight I had salad and greens and baked chicken. Tonight is Day Light Savings, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow in terms of waking up early.

Here's a funny for the day, I totally picked up the serving fork and didn't notice until I sat down to eat my dinner. Tell me you've never done that before! It was pretty funny.

Day 14: Umm... I might have woken up at 11:45am today. What??!?! An advantage to visiting your parents is that when your kid wakes up, you still get to sleep. :) YIPPEEE! Sleeping was fun, but then the rest of the day I felt unmotivated. I finally dragged myself to the DVD player and popped in Yoga Fix. You know I'm being lazy if I don't even feel like doing Yoga Fix. After I worked out, I felt so much better. Eating was great today, no temptations and full control over all the foods that were around versus yesterday's issue with the chicken salad.

Overall, it was a pretty successful weekend out of town. Tomorrow is double up workout time. I'm not so crazy about that, but it's only for 1 week, so I'm hoping I can knock it out! :)

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