Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PiYO - Day 2

Today was Define: Lower Body. It was awesome. I seriously love Yoga, oh, and I might be girl crushing on Chalene Johsnon. She's kind of my favorite... Today was all about the legs. It felt so good to stretch and to use my own body weight to build muscle.

The workout was totally short, like 20 minutes short. Hello?? Awesome-sauce! I love short, efficient workouts! One of my favorite poses is pigeon pose. It really works my hip-flexor, which is so tight. I can't decide which is tighter my hip-flexor or my hamstrings? I'm hoping by the end of 60 days, everything will release!

I changed my eating habits a bit today. I love the 21 Day Fix eating plan, but I was realizing that I was eating so much food and really wasn't that hungry. This is normally a good thing, however, I hit a plateau with weight loss, so today I focused on clean eating, but listening to my body's signals and only eating when I'm hungry. I felt really good all day and less of the "full" feeling I was getting previously. I still got in all my proteins and veggies though. Don't want to slack on those, especially my veggies.

I slacked a bit on my water intake today. I was so busy, I just kept forgetting to drink it. I will need to make sure I focus on that tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Upper Body. You know I love me some arm work!!

P.S.  Why am I always so serious looking when I do yoga??

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

PiYo - Day 1

Soooo, I'm back! Phew! I had to get through this grad school class and finally it's OVER!! Celebrate with some chocolate! Just kidding, celebrate by doing more work and maybe having a chocolate Shakelogy.

Anyway, today I started a new fitness program: PiYo! This is done by Chalene Johnson. I've been eyeing this baby for a long time now and finally, I'm doing it. I'm going to stick to the eating plan of the 21 Day Fix, but focus on the workouts from PiYo.

Today was just the fundamentals day. It was about 45 minutes, but it was just working on alignment. Surprisingly, I felt really worked out afterward! I can't wait to get into the meat of things tomorrow. :) I really miss doing yoga all the time, so I'm super pumped about this.

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

21 Day Fix - Round Two FINAL RESULTS

I apologize for not updating week 2 of round 2, but I'm actually in grad school, so I have been SWAMPED!!

I have my results from Round 2 of the 21 Day Fix and I'm impressed! This time around was a lot easier than the first round. I really got into the flow of things and I was able to plan and prep without as much thought as I did the first round.

I have LOVED this program. It's amazing how great the results are in such a short amount of time. I love Autum's motivation throughout the program. I also decided to keep drinking Shakeology. This time I went with vegan chocolate... Umm... YUM!!! It's really rich tasting. I added some unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it taste pretty amazing!

I have just begun Round 3 of the 21 Day Fix, as I'm still not at my goal weight, but I'm going to switch it up some. I started doing TurboFire with Chalene Johnson. It's really awesome. I'm also going to test out a few other programs and once I decide on one, I'll walk everyone through it, just like I did with the 21 Day Fix. No matter which program I use for working out, I will still use the nutrition plan for the 21 Day Fix because it's so easy to use and really keeps me on track with my eating.

So, the moment you've been waiting for... MY RESULTS!

This time I am down 1 more pound and 3 inches!