Monday, August 31, 2015

CIZE - Week 1 Recap

I just wrapped up week one of CIZE!

I was a little worried about doing CIZE because it's all cardio, but everyone loves Shaun T and I LOVE dancing, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm so glad I did, it's really fun. I look forward to my workouts every day because I know how fun it's going to be learning a new dance routine.

There are two different ways you can do the program, you can do the beginner level where you move through the workouts at your own pace until you can grasp the moves or there is the advanced program which is a little more structured, but results in you moving through the different dances at a faster pace. I chose advance because I have both a background in working out and in dance and because I prefer the structure, however, I think someone who is less experienced would be find doing advanced as well.

Yeah, I'm keeping it real.
This is me exhausted after
You Got This and 8 Count Abs
Now, let me be real for a minute here, even though I felt "advanced," I realized quickly that my background in dance meant nothing for my ability to look "cool" while doing Shaun T hip-hop. I clearly am not gifted in hip-hop dance, but I'm having a blast anyway.

For week one, we alternated between Crazy 8s and You Got This! Crazy 8s was pretty easy, but I found You Got This to require a bit more coordination. Fortunately the things you learn in Crazy 8s build up to You Got This. We joked in my challenge group about the cooldown on You Got This though, it totally had a "sexy" vibe to it. In some ways I felt cooler doing the cooldown than I did the actual dance.

On the days that we did You Got This, we also incorporated 8 Count Abs. I thought 10 minute abs from the 21 Day Fix was tough, it wasn't nearly as hard as 8 Count Abs. Shaun T does not mess around. Here's my only complaint, even though the Ab work is a lot harder, I kind of feel like I got better results with 10 minute abs. I'm going to wait it out another week and see and if I still don't feel like I'm getting the ab results I want, I'll just incorporate 10 minute abs.

Overall, I've been really satisfied with CIZE. My challenge group is loving it and we're all having a blast with the workouts and joking about how unbelievably uncoordinated we are.

If you're interested in joining my next CIZE group, just fill out this information form here and I'll get in touch with you ASAP!


If you want to buy CIZE, click here and you'll automatically be placed in my next challenge group!


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