Saturday, February 28, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 5 Recap

Today was cardio. (cue crickets...)  I'm pretty sure I lied yesterday when I said I was looking forward to cardio. I seriously must have been high on endorphins from the Pilates workout or something when I said that, because who am I kidding? When I do cardio, I kind of resemble a 150 year old woman, who has smoked her entire life. I cannot catch my breath for anything and finding a breathing rhythm is next to impossible for me. Can you believe I actually ran a half-marathon once? Seriously, I did and somehow I was able to find my breathing rhythm then, but when I'm doing burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees I think I forget what lung function is and suddenly I'm no longer breathing and my face is beet red.

So needless to say, cardio was awesome today!! Just kidding. The workout was intense and clearly worked parts of my body I didn't know existed. The workout was actually great for what it was, but me and cardio have a long way to go in our relationship. If you're a cardio person, then you'll really like this. On the upside, this is only Day 5, so I'm certain that I will learn to deal with  enjoy cardio! Also, I pretty much modified everything. I love that there is a modifier in every workout because I use it more often than I thought I would.

No real changes in food. I basically eat the same things every day. That's just me. You do not have to do that. You can change your meals everyday. I'm a creature of habit. I pick something and stick to it for a very long time. I'll recap my meals at the end of the week. Nothing too exciting. In addition to being habitual, I'm also kind of boring, so my food choices are usually bare minimum. This program allows a lot more creative options, I just don't need much to satisfy my palate, I'm totally cool with styrofoam rice cakes.

I was going to post this awesome picture of me looking strong and working out, but based on what I told you, you can guess how that picture looked, so I took a picture of my Vitamix for you. Enjoy!

Tomorrow is Dirty 30. I have no idea what that is, so I'm not even going to write that I'm looking forward to it. It will be a surprise and then I can share it with you!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 4 Recap

Remember when I said that I hoped Pilates would be like yoga? Well, it kind of was, except this active "rest" day didn't feel so restful! It was a great workout, but it definitely pushed me. Don't be fooled by the word rest. The workout was great, but I'm not lying at all when I say that I was breaking a sweat during the warmup. It was intense, but in a good way, not in a "I can't do this" kind of way. It felt really awesome.

After my morning workout, I decided to have my Shakeology for breakfast. I finally figured out how to make it, which was awesome and I didn't break my blender. It's really not hard to make, I just apparently have no idea how to work a Vitamix, so there's that. I personally like my Shakeology pretty plain and not very cold, so I don't do all the add-ins, but a lot of people do and they love it. Now that I finally figured out the perfect consistency for my preference, I am really looking forward to my shake tomorrow! I wasn't sure I was going to do Shakeology, but I am so glad I did. It's awesome!

Eating today was fine. I was really busy today and I think that distracted me from hunger, so I managed to make it through the entire day. That being said, I had my breakfast later than I have been, so I think that helped me a lot.

I'm looking forward to Cardio tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to Yoga on Sunday!! I'll keep you posted!

Oh, and one more thing... check out my arms. Three days people, three days!! I can't make this stuff up!

21 Day Fix - Day 3 Recap

LEG DAY!!! I was so worried about today because I was really sore from Monday's Cardio Fix, but to my surprise, leg day was great. It was tough, but it stretched out those muscles that hurt from Monday, which made me feel so much better the rest of the day.
I love Disney. This was so funny, I had to share it!

I loved how Autumn (21 Day Fix Instructor) used the weights in this routine and I loved the variety. This has been my favorite workout so far, not that the others weren't great, because they were, I just really liked the Lower Fix.

Eating was the same as yesterday, I felt a little hungry at the end of the day. Part of the problem is that my days are really long, so breakfast is early and dinner is late. That makes for a lot of hours in between to space out my foods. If I feel like that again tomorrow, then I'll add some more veggies.

Here's how I looked and felt after leg day!
Tomorrow is Pilates day, I'm looking forward to that! Pilates and yoga are similar and I'm a yoga kind of girl, so I'm hoping the Pilates workout will be fun!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 2 Recap

I have one word to describe today: SORE!!! Wowzers! I am so sore. Yesterday I felt great after the workout, but toward the end of the day I started to feel a little sore. I woke up this morning to get up for my workout and I could hardly move. Fortunately, there was a nice little warm up that got me through today's workout, but I'm a bit worried about tomorrow.

Today was upper arm fix. I had to use a set of light weights and a set of heavy weights and I couldn't decide which size to use. I have 2lb, 5lb, and 8lb weights. I decided to go with the 2lb and 5lb as my light and heavy, but now I think I should have gone 5lb and 8lb. I'll do that next week when I do the upper fix again and see how it goes.  I only had to modify one exercise, which involved the abs. My abs were on FIRE!!

Eating was so-so today. I didn't have any temptations, but today I felt hungry all day long! I think my body is just adjusting to the working out and new eating routine, but it was kind of hard to get through it today. I also had to run my daughter to ballet today, so I grabbed an apple to-go to eat my second purple container (fruit).

OH, and how could I forget?! I already lost 1 pound and I haven't felt bloated or stuffed at all in the past 48 hours. It's amazing how much nutrition impacts weight loss! Tomorrow is lower fix. I'm really nervous about that because my legs are still in pain, but I will get through it and I will feel better for doing it!

21 Day Fix - Day 1 Recap

Today was the first official day of my challenge group for the 21 Day Fix. I woke up at 7:00am, which is crazy early for me. Anyone who knows me personally, knows that mornings aren't my thing, but I'm committed and I want to succeed, so I woke up early! The workout was awesome. It went by so fast! It was only 30 minutes and that included the cool down. I was pretty exhausted after the workout, but I'm pretty sure that's the point. ;)

As for the food, meal prep was pretty easy. I somehow managed to "break" my Vitamix. Who does that?? Seriously! Fortunately, it wasn't really broken, it was just overheated. (Note to self: learn to use a blender correctly) I got through all of my meals and snacks well today with only one temptation after dinner. I managed to down some iced tea (unsweetend) and moved on. Chocolate temptation #1 out of the way!

Here's a picture of lunch. Monday is our grocery store day, so I didn't have the foods around that I planned for the rest of the week, which meant I needed to find stuff around the house to fit my meal plan. I used eggs, cheese, and broccoli. I'm not very good at "plating," so excuse the poor presentation, but you get the point. This meal took care of 1 Red container, 1 Blue container, and 1 Green container.

Day 2 is going to be the upper fix. I'm really nervous for that, as arms are not really my thing!

Looking forward to Day 2!

Friday, February 20, 2015

My Order Came Today!

I got my 21 Day Fix and Shakeology in the mail today. I am so excited! Monday is the big day. I can't wait to get started! No more excuses!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Challenge

EEK! I'm so pumped. I just got an email from Beach Body letting me know that my 21 Day Fix challenge pack is on its way. I can't wait to start working out and drinking my Shakeology! It's going to be awesome. I'm really excited about changing my life and staying healthy for my daughter. Yay for health goals!