I have one word to describe today: SORE!!! Wowzers! I am so sore. Yesterday I felt great after the workout, but toward the end of the day I started to feel a little sore. I woke up this morning to get up for my workout and I could hardly move. Fortunately, there was a nice little warm up that got me through today's workout, but I'm a bit worried about tomorrow.

Today was upper arm fix. I had to use a set of light weights and a set of heavy weights and I couldn't decide which size to use. I have 2lb, 5lb, and 8lb weights. I decided to go with the 2lb and 5lb as my light and heavy, but now I think I should have gone 5lb and 8lb. I'll do that next week when I do the upper fix again and see how it goes. I only had to modify one exercise, which involved the abs. My abs were on FIRE!!
Eating was so-so today. I didn't have any temptations, but today I felt hungry all day long! I think my body is just adjusting to the working out and new eating routine, but it was kind of hard to get through it today. I also had to run my daughter to ballet today, so I grabbed an apple to-go to eat my second purple container (fruit).
OH, and how could I forget?! I already lost 1 pound and I haven't felt bloated or stuffed at all in the past 48 hours. It's amazing how much nutrition impacts weight loss! Tomorrow is lower fix. I'm really nervous about that because my legs are still in pain, but I will get through it and I will feel better for doing it!
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